Tuesday, January 27, 2009

AriZona Diet Green Tea with Ginseng Extract


    Need an extra push to get your weight loss goals going? AriZona Diet Green Tea with Ginseng Extract is a unique blend of green tea and ginseng extract. From the name itself, you can immediately deduce that AriZona Diet Green Tea with Ginseng Extract is a drink that will give you countless health and weight loss benefits.

    AriZona Diet Green Tea with Ginseng Extract is derived from the gently steamed leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant. AriZona Diet Green Tea with Ginseng Extract has a huge following among a diverse group of weight loss enthusiasts to herbal drinkers.

    AriZona Diet Green Tea with Ginseng Extract contains catechin polyphenols that help convert fats into heat energy in a process called thermogenesis. According to a study conducted by Swiss and American scientists, the green tea in AriZona Diet Green Tea with Ginseng Extract promotes an impressive four percent increase in the body's overall energy expenditure. This can be roughly translated into a weight loss benefit of up to 10 lbs. a month.

    The small amount of caffeine found AriZona Diet Green Tea with Ginseng Extract increases the body's metabolic rate. But because the caffeine content is not high enough to produce any harmful side-effects normally associated with caffeine-based products, AriZona Diet Green Tea with Ginseng Extract is therefore a safe product to use. Unlike ephedra, AriZona Diet Green Tea will not increase your heart rate or cause heart palpitations and other cardiovascular complications. If anything, AriZona Diet Green Tea with Ginseng Extract will even prevent that from happening.

    Studies conducted on the benefits of polyphenols present in AriZona Diet Green Tea with Ginseng Extract show that they are the main catalyst in lowering down cholesterol levels in the body. AriZona Diet Green Tea with Ginseng Extract helps maintain the balance between the LDL cholesterol and HDL cholesterols. In addition to that, it has been noted that drinkers of AriZona Diet Green Tea with Ginseng Extract are less likely to develop a stroke compared with those who drink other beverages.

    AriZona Diet Green Tea with Ginseng Extract is also good for maintaining the overall well-being of the body. The antioxidants found in AriZona Diet Green Tea with Ginseng Extract helps prevent free radicals from harming the body by making it susceptible to diseases and aging. With its immune-boosting properties, AriZona Diet Green Tea with Ginseng Extract keeps you feeling young and healthy.

    AriZona Diet Green Tea with Ginseng Extract also contains the amino acid Theanine. This substance in AriZona Deit Green Tea with Ginseng Extract functions as a mood-enhancer and stress-reliever, thereby adding to the role of AriZona Diet Green Tea with Ginseng Extract as a promoter of good health and well-being.

    Aside form green tea, AriZona Diet Green Tea with Ginseng Extract also contains another ingredient that is equally potent in promoting health. Ginseng in AriZona Diet Green Tea with Ginseng Extract can enhance the immune system, lower down blood sugar levels, reduce the risk of certain cancers, and improve adrenal function, physical performance, and mental alertness. All these make ginseng the perfect companion for green tea in AriZona Diet Green Tea with Ginseng Extract.

    Other ingredients in AriZona Diet Green Tea with Ginseng Extract are Chromium for fat and sugar metabolism, citric acid, and all-natural flavors.



Green Tea Weight Loss Capsule


    It should be noted though that there is no such thing as a miraculous weight loss capsule that can shed your fats in a snap. But herbs such as green tea in weight loss capsules have been known to promote weight loss in a variety of ways.

How Weight Loss Capsules Work

    Some herbal weight loss capsules "trick" the brain into thinking that the stomach is full. This makes the weight loss capsule as an effective appetite suppressant and helps stave off hunger pangs.

Other herbs like green tea in weight loss capsules have thermogenic properties that help speed up the body's metabolic rate. Thermogenic herb weight loss capsules, e.g. green tea weight loss capsules, are considered as stimulants because of their caffeine content. Caffeine in these weight loss capsules is responsible for increasing the rate of all bodily functions like heart rate, digestion, and respiration.

Still, other herbal weight loss capsules are chiefly diuretic. This means that the person taking this kind of weight loss capsule loses water from his body. Diuretic weight loss capsules can quickly rid the body of excess water but once halted, weight can return just as quickly.

The Effects of Weight Loss Capsules

    Even though some herbs like green tea in weight loss capsules can prove beneficial, others are toxic and cause dangerous side effects.

Some weight loss capsules made from thermogenic herbs have several harmful side effects. The stimulant ephedra, a common substance found in weight loss capsules have been known to cause cardiovascular ailments. A total of 800 cases reported by the FDA revealed that ephedra weight loss capsules were the cause of at least two deaths. Similarly, other herbs used for weight loss capsules such as herbal laxatives and herbal fen-phen, have been associated with irregularities of the heartbeat, heart attacks, cramping, diarrhea, and strokes.

A safer choice for people using weight loss capsules are those made from herbs like nettle, green tea, and dandelion among others which can stimulate metabolism without causing the heart to race.

Green Tea is safe as a weight loss capsule

    Green tea has been used all throughout China since the ancient times. The steamed leaves of the Carmellia sinensis plant (the scientific name for green tea) were used as a local remedy. Ailments such as headaches, bad digestion, and depression were treated using green tea. Nowadays, scientists believe that green tea can potentially cure such major diseases as cancer.

    Green tea contains antioxidants that twenty times more than that present in Vitamin E. Antioxidants in green tea act on free radicals that are the major causes of aging and diseases in the body. Green tea therefore not only keeps you young but also boosts your immune system to keep you from harm.

    A recent study at the University of Geneva revealed that green tea can cause weight loss. The catechin polyphenols found in green tea are said to interact with the substance caffeine that increases thermogenesis. Metabolic rates in an individual have been known to increase by four percent when using green tea, either as a green tea extract or green tea weight loss capsule.

    Green tea weight loss capsules have less caffeine compared to other weight loss capsules. This causes green tea weight loss capsules to act as a mild appetite-suppressant. One of the bad side effects of caffeine in weight loss capsules is that it can cause the heart rate to accelerate causing cardiovascular complications and in extreme cases, even death. With its low caffeine content, a green tea weight loss capsule therefore does its job without causing any undue harm.

    Green tea weight loss capsules are also valued for their diuretic properties. Green tea can help rid the body of extra water thus reducing bloat and unsightly appearance.

    In the scientific world, green tea has continued to create wonders. Many more studies are conducted to investigate other benefits of drinking green tea. It seems no other tea has quite as much health benefits as green tea.




Study on Green Tea and Weight Loss

    For many years now, several benefits are attributed to drinking green tea. Today, researchers have come up with newer proofs to solidify the belief that green tea can be used as a treatment for obesity and for weight loss.

    It is held that more than half of the American population have weight problems or are obese. Conditions like these are almost always linked to certain complications like heart disease, type 2 diabetes mellitus, sleep apnea, gall bladder disease, and hypertension. Weight loss can aid in assuaging the symptoms of some of these conditions.

    Scientists have tirelessly investigated on the weight loss benefits of green tea. They have found that green tea can actually enhance the total amount of energy spent by the body. From their findings, they were able to deduce that green tea has great potential for a weight loss benefit.

    Other researches were able to confirm the weight loss benefit of green tea. A recent study at the University of Geneva had the conclusion that, "Green tea has thermogenic properties and promotes fat oxidation beyond that explained by its caffeine content per se." Where before it was generally believed that the caffeine content in green tea is the reason for its weight loss benefit, this recent study deviated from that theory. Green tea has other substances in them that are helpful in weight loss.

    The same team who conducted the study on green tea's caffeine content and weight loss banded together in Switzerland to perform another experiment. They were still able to come up with the same results – that green tea has several thermogenic attributes that make it perfect to use in any weight loss program.

Sample Studies: Green Tea and Weight Loss

    Green tea reduces body fat accretion caused by high-fat diet in rats through beta-adrenoceptor activation of thermogenesis in brown adipose tissue. Conducted by chief scientist J.J. Choo of the Department of Food and Nutrition, Kunsan National University, this study aimed to find out if green tea can suppress body fat and to find out whether this suppression is connected with thermogenesis spurred by the body's beta-adrenoceptor being activated.

To investigate the weight loss benefit of green tea on rats, the scientists placed their subjects on a high-fat diet and provided them with green tea extract. It was discovered that even though the rats were on a high-fat diet, the green tea extract counterbalanced fat gain without affecting the amount of energy they took in. Green tea was said to have shown some weight loss benefits in the fact that it can prevent fat from being stored, can increase protein levels, and promote thermogenesis by triggering beta-adrenoceptor to action.

Recent findings of green tea extract AR25 (Exolise) and its activity for the treatment of obesity. This study is a collaborative work between Doctors P. Chantre and D. Lairon of the Laboratoires Arkopharma in Carros, France. Published in the 2002 issue of Phytomedicine, this study aimed to find out if green tea extract has weight loss benefits and can be a potential cure for obesity.

In their study, they used an 80% ethanolic concentrate in green tea extract with standardized 25% catechins. They tested the green tea extract and were able to find that it could directly inhibit gastric and pancreatic lipases. These enzymes are the primary cause of fat storage and by delaying their actions; green tea extract therefore exhibits a weight loss benefit that can help solve obesity problems.

It was also discovered in this study that green tea can stimulate thermogenesis. Given to moderately obese patients, the green tea extract was said to have caused a decrease in weight by 4.6% and a reduction of waist circumference by 4.48% after only three months. The findings of the study clearly implicate the weight loss benefits of green tea.



Green Tea Diet Pills


    People want to make themselves look nice. These days, television, magazines and newspapers are constantly feeding us with ideas on the perfect body. But truth be told, majority of us do not have the model figures to make it to the cut. It is not a shocker then when a multi-billion industry could spring from weight loss products like diet pills.

Too many diet pills and products are available in the market today that it is hard to determine which one really works. Several manufacturing companies specializing in diet pills and other weight loss products are quick to claim the effectiveness of their diet pills even without proper scientific backing. Some diet pills even contain substances that have harmful effects to the body.

Diet pill ingredients like ephedra have been to known to cause complications from cardiovascular palpitations to hypertension and diarrhea. Several cases have been reported by the FDA of the harmful effects of diet pills and other weight loss products. But even then, people continue to buy and use diet pills.


Good Diet Pills

    Though some diet pills contain harmful elements, not all diet pills are bad. Diet pills made from herbs can have several benefits aside from weight loss. Some of these herbal diet pills come from plants such as nettle, green tea, and dandelion.

    Green tea is an herb popularly used in making diet pills. Green tea is derived from the plant Carmellia sinensis, the same plant made in concocting black and oolong tea. The process of making green tea makes it different from the other Carmellia sinensis teas. Because green tea is only mildly steamed and then dried, a majority of the beneficial antioxidants present in green tea remain intact.

Green tea has been known to have several health benefits. Certain substances in green tea can effectively stop cancer cells from going. Green tea's catechin polyphenols also acts as effective antioxidants that can kill harmful free radicals that cause aging. Green tea has also been known to boost the immune system.

At the University of Geneva, American and Swiss scientists were able to find that green tea has several weight loss benefits like increasing metabolism, thermogenesis, and suppressing fat intake. The results of their study became the basis for using green tea as a diet pill ingredient.


Diet Pills from Green Tea

    Dieticians say that weight loss is achieved in two ways: reduce the intake of calories and increase energy expenditure. Green tea can perform both these functions quite well.

    Green tea diet pills contain a small amount of caffeine in them. This makes green tea diet pills the perfect candidate for an appetite-suppressant. Aside from suppressing the appetite, green tea diet pills also have diuretic properties that help reduce excess water in the body. Extra water contributes to extra weight and by ridding the body of these, green tea diet pills contributes much to weight loss.

    Green tea diet pills contain a high amount of antioxidants that helps burn fat faster. This claim of green tea diet pills is back by several scientific studies, including the one conducted in Geneva, Switzerland. Green tea diet pills can effectively increase metabolic rate and energy expenditure, helping the body purge out any excess calories.

    The herb green tea is also compatible with other herb extracts. In fact, it is said that the weight loss benefits of green tea are enhanced when used in combination with other herbal remedies. This is what makes green tea an ideal component of diet pills.

KEYWORDS "Green Tea" - 25 (density = 4.2%)

"Diet Pills" - 25 (density = 4.2%)




Green Tea Diet


    Obesity has become one of the major health issues in our society today. More than half of the American population is overweight or obese. As a result, diet and weight loss plans have become increasingly popular. But not all diet plans work. And not all of them are necessarily risk-free. A safer alternative for people wanting to lose weight are green tea diets.

About Green Tea

    For thousands of years, green tea diet has been highly valued by the Chinese as an herbal and medicinal drink. It was believed that green tea diet was first discovered by the Chinese Emperor Shen Nung who was boiling water when the leaves of a nearby tree fell into his pot. The result was the first ever pot of green tea.

    Like all three of the major Asian teas in the market, green tea comes from the plant called Carmellia sinensis. Much of the health benefits of green tea diets owe to the steaming method of making it. As opposed to black and oolong tea which undergoes full oxidization, green tea diet is only gently steamed, preserving the natural antioxidants in its original form.

The Health Benefits of Green Tea Diet

    There are many health benefits associated with having a green tea diet. One of these green tea diet benefits is preventing cancer. Certain substances present in green tea diets are said to help in destroying cancer cells without harming any neighboring tissues. This substance in green tea diets is called epigallocatechin gallate or EGCG.

    EGCG in green tea diets is also helpful in increasing the 24-hour energy expenditure of the body. A study on green tea diets conducted by American and Swiss scientists in the University of Geneva showed an additional increase of four percent in the body's natural energy expenditure. People who were on a green tea diet were more likely to use up more fats than those not on a green tea diet.

    Also,green tea diets are said to greatly help in lowering down cholesterol levels in humans. The study on green tea diets was conducted in China using 240 people with high cholesterol levels as subjects. These people were placed on a green tea diet of one capsule (equivalent to seven cups of green tea) or were given one placebo every day. After twelve weeks, those who were on a green tea diet dropped sixteen percent in their cholesterol levels.

    Green tea diets can also be a potential cure to obesity. The catechin polyphenols present in green tea diets can delay the reaction of gastric and pancreatic lipases in the body. These enzymes are responsible for converting calories in the body into fats. By delaying these enzymes, green tea diets can therefore stop fat from being stored and prevent obesity in people.

    Green tea diets contain substantial amount of caffeine that make it a mild appetite-suppressant. However, caffeine content in green tea diets is not as high as those found in other caffeine-based beverages, like coffee. Caffeine may be harmful for the body since an excess of it can cause heart palpitations, hypertension, and insomnia. Because green tea diets contain only very low levels of caffeine, there is no danger of experiencing these side-effects.

KEYWORDS "Green Tea Diet" - 25 (density = 4.6%)

Using Green Tea in Weight Loss Programs


There are countless health benefits associated with drinking green tea. For centuries, the Chinese people have been drinking and using green tea as cure for several ailments. Today, cancer prevention, weight loss, antioxidant applications, anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties are only a few of the proven benefits contained within a single cup of green tea or a capsule of green tea extract.

Green Tea: An Introduction    

Green tea comes from the plant native to Asia called Camellia sinensis. This plant is rich in the green tea substance called epigallochatechin gallate or EGCG. Green tea's EGCG is the substance responsible for destroying free radicals in the body which are the number one causes of aging and diseases. The antioxidant EGCG in green tea also helps in lowering down cholesterol levels.

Green Tea for Weight Loss Programs

    A university study conducted by American and Swiss scientists show that green tea can be used in weight loss programs. Using ten healthy young men as subjects for their weight loss program, the scientists compared the difference in energy expenditures of green tea and that of caffeine or standalone placebo. The results show that green tea boosts energy expenditure by a significant four percent increase. This led many people to believe that green tea can have a significant impact on increasing the efficacy of weight loss programs.

Green tea is a great alternative for people who are on weight loss programs because it can help them lead a healthier lifestyle. For instance, instead of drinking coffee and cream which area high in calories, green tea weight loss programs can not only save you from taking in too much calories but also let you take in several healthful substances like polyphenols and flavonoids. Green tea also contains a small amount of caffeine, a key substance used in most weight loss programs because of its appetite-suppressant properties.

    Other studies show that green tea in weight loss programs can help reduce fat by inhibiting the effects of insulin. Insulin is responsible for converting glucose into energy for the body to be stored into fat. By delaying insulin, green tea weight loss programs enable sugar to be sent directly to the muscles for instant use, thus preventing fats from forming.

    Green tea in weight loss programs can also promote thermogenesis, the process by which the body burns fat and releases calories. This process is brought on by the interaction of the caffeine content and catechin polyphenols present in green tea. This is why weight loss programs based on green tea is an effective way to stimulate metabolic rates.

    No supplement or weight loss program is known to work miracles. However, studies do indicate that green tea have many benefits in store for those enrolled in weight loss programs.


Green Tea: Weight Loss Supplement

    A penny for your thoughts. A pill for your fats. Who here wouldn't love a pill to melt away their fats?

Although weight loss supplements are not likely to work miracles, dieticians and weight-loss experts alike agree that most weight loss supplements greatly helps the dieter in his continuing battle for curves and muscles. Of the three commonly used weight loss supplements in the market today, green tea extract seems the most promising. (The other two weight loss supplements are protein and ephedra.)

Green tea is the common name for Camellia sinensis, a plant cultivated by the Ancient Chinese as a remedy for headaches, indigestion, and depression. In recent studies, it was found that green tea can be a potential cure for cancer and several other major diseases as well.

However, the merits of green tea is not only restricted to medicine. It has been found that certain properties found in green tea makes it an excellent organic alternative to weight loss supplements.

The use of green tea extract in weigh loss supplements was spurred by the recently concluded study by American and Swiss scientists at the University of Geneva. Published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, their study showed that green tea has a lot of antioxidants that can cause an increase in energy expenditure of the body. This led them to surmise that green tea extract can become a potential weight loss supplement.

Green tea weight loss supplements contain both caffeine and the chemical epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). When these two substances in green tea react to each other, metabolism rates increase along with the body's 24-hour energy expenditure. Green tea's EGCG also triggers the release of the hormone noradrenaline, an appetite-suppressant.

Green tea weight loss supplements can boost the body's metabolic rates, thereby increasing the rate by which fat and calories are burned. Green tea weight loss supplements can also stimulate the body into burning fats faster, leading to more fats being turned into energy. According to a recent study published in Phytomedicine, a journal on the health benefits of plants, people who take in green tea extract as weight loss supplement ideally lose about two-and-a-half pounds a month.

Green tea weight loss supplements come in standardized tablets or capsule forms. For best results, choose a green tea weight loss supplement that contains ninety milligrams of EGCG and fifty milligrams of caffeine. Green tea weight loss supplement is normally taken three times a day before meals. Even though green tea weight loss supplements have no adverse side-effects, it is still advisable to consult medical advice before taking them.




Green Tea Weight Loss Patch

    In the mood for a sticky diet?

    The hysteria on low carb diet has brought the onset of several dieting products that are based on low carb approaches. One of the newest products to hit the dieting market are weight loss patches.

    Inspired by the success of nicotine patches marketers struck on the idea that weight loss patches may work the same way. Weight loss patches are basically designed for people who forget to take their regular dosage of weight loss supplements or capsules. With weight loss patches, a person will no longer need to take pills as he will have a 24-hour supply of weight loss substance stuck to his skin.

    Weight loss patches are commonly made from such ingredients as algae and seaweed which are known appetite-suppressants. Later studies on weight loss and diets led to the use of green tea as a weight loss patch.    


Green Tea as Weight Loss Patches    

As far back as the Ming dynasty and perhaps even earlier than that, green tea has been used as herbal remedy and overall health drink in China. In recent times, speculations on the use of green tea as a possible remedy for cancer have arisen due to the discovery that the polyphenol substance found in green tea can stop cancer cells from growing.

The polyphenols in green tea weight loss patches also have other uses. A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition shows that green tea polyphenols can speed up the metabolic rate of the body. With this recent discovery, several companies specializing in pharmaceutical products have started introducing green tea into the market as a supplement either in the form of diet pills or weight loss patches.

    Green tea weight loss patches are a better alternative to other products since they have no adverse side-effects. Other substances that induce weight loss like ephedra may increase heart rates which could lead to cardiovascular complications.

    Green tea weight loss patches are good for people with high LDL, the bad cholesterol found in the body. Because the antioxidants in green tea weight loss patches destroy LDL cholesterols while at the same time enhancing the good cholesterol levels in the body, a balance in the body is achieved which could only lead to overall good health and well-being.

    Green tea weight loss patches works in two ways. First, they suppress appetite naturally and safely. A study at the University of Chicago showed that rats when injected with green tea can lose up to 21% of their bodyweight. This is due to the fact that a substance present in green tea acts as a natural appetite-suppressant that staves off hunger.

    Green tea weight loss patches also increase metabolism. With their high epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) content, green tea weight loss patches have a distinct advantage over stimulant diet drugs which can be harmful to individuals with hypertension and heart complications.

KEYWORDS "Green Tea" - 17 (density = 3.5%)

"Weight Loss Patch" - 16 (density = 3.3%)











Miracle Cup: The Health Benefits of Green Tea

    How do you fit a miracle in a cup?

For 4,000 years, the Chinese people have been using green tea as treatment for everything from headaches to depression.

    Today, studies are conducted in Asia and the west in order to produce hard evidence of the health benefits of green tea. In the 1994 edition of the Journal of National Cancer Institute, the results of an epidemiological study stated that one of the health benefits of drinking green tea is that it can reduce the risk of esophageal cancer in Chinese men and women by up to 60%.

The rich presence of catechin polyphenols, particularly epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) is the reason why green tea has so much health benefits. A powerful antioxidant, EGCG can not only inhibit the growth of cancer cells but can also destroy them without harming healthy cells.

The University of Purdue has also concluded a research on how a certain compound present in green tea can stop cancer cells from growing. Still another health benefit of green tea is its ability to lower down cholesterol levels and improve the ratio between good (HDL) cholesterol and bad (LDL) cholesterol.

The EGCG in green tea is a health benefit substance that can lower down LDL cholesterol levels and stop blood from forming abnormal clots (thrombosis), a leading cause of heart attacks and strokes.

    Green tea has more health benefits compared to other Chinese teas like oolong and black tea, all of which come from the plant Camellia sinensis. What makes green tea different is the process by which it is made. Green tea owes much of its health benefits to how the Camellia sinensis leaves are steamed. The steam process keeps the EGCG health benefit of green tea from oxidizing. With oolong and black teas, however, the leaves are fermented instead of being steamed, thus causing the EGCG health benefit to transform into another less medicinally potent form.

    Aside from medicinal value, green tea can also offer other health benefits, especially in the fitness field. Drinking green tea can cause a person to burn down more calories. A recent study on the health benefits of green tea shows that the drink can help dieters. According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 1999, men who take both caffeine and green tea burn down more calories than men who only take caffeine or a placebo.

    Another health benefit of green tea is its bacteria-destroying properties. The health benefit of green tea in this area is that it can help prevent food poisoning and also prevent tooth decay. The substances found in green tea kill the bacteria causing food poisoning and those that cause dental plaque to form.

Well known for its countless medicinal and health benefits, green tea is nothing short of a miracle.



KEYWORDS "Green Tea" - 20 (density = 4.2%)

"Health Benefit" - 15 (density = 3.2%)



Thursday, January 22, 2009

Herbal Natural or the Blackseed Oil Learn the Benefits

The health benefits of blackseed oil from HERBAL NATURAL may be numerous, but cheap nigella sativa oil is probably a waste of money. Habbatussauda is another name from blackseed for Herbal Medicine or Alternative Herbs. Nigella sativa is the botanical name for the spice that has been used since ancient times to flavor food and for medicinal purposes.

Its common names are many, including black cumin seed, kolonji, kezah, chamushka, corek otu, seeds of blessing, fennel flower, black caraway, black onion seed and others, indicating its widespread use throughout Asia, Africa and Europe. According to the book of prophetic medicine, we should "hold onto the use of the black seeds for in it is healing for all diseases except death."

Researchers have evaluated the benefits of blackseed oil in the treatment of many herbal medical conditions, including cancer, arthritis, diabetes, liver damage, parasitic infections, bacterial infections, viral infections, asthma and other respiratory illnesses. It was used historically as a pain reliever and modern research has supported this use, though the mechanism of action is unclear.

It is understandable that people would look for cheap nigella sativa oil, since the seeds are valuable and fetch a good price on the market. The problem with purchasing cheap nigella sativa oil is that the average person has no way of knowing what he is getting. Even as a food flavoring, cheap nigella sativa oil can be disappointing. If used as a health supplement, it could be a waste of money or even dangerous, particularly if a person is relying on the oil for the treatment or prevention of a disease.

Genuine nigella sativa is cultivated in France, Germany, Saudi Arabia, northern Africa, India and other parts of Asia. It grows wild on the Mediterranean coast in Egypt and in some parts of Turkey and the Balkans. Mainly because of the many health benefits of blackseed oil, it is a valuable commodity and not found in discount stores.

Cheap nigella sativa oil may contain additives including common vegetable or olive oils. They can be made from other species of Nigella, some of which are poisonous. The seeds are similar looking to onion seed and black sesame. Even black cumin seed, which is one of the common Nigella names, is actually a different spice. Because of the many common names, some of which are shared by other spices, it is important to look for the botanical name, "Nigella sativa" and buy from a trustworthy manufacturer that specializes in health supplements.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

How can our Health Benefit from Herbs?

fresh herbs image

Herbs are a rich source of many health compounds that are active in curing illnesses and disease. There are many different herbs and many different uses. They can be used as a tonic, to soothe pain and inflammation; some have a relaxing effect whilst some are stimulating.

Some herbs can kill bacteria and others stimulate the immune system to kill invading organisms. Thousands of years ago when herbs were first used, people had no idea WHY they worked. Today there have been many clinical studies into how herbs work and more understanding into how powerful they can be.

Many of us have been using dried herbs in cooking for years. But fresh herbs are the best choice, as some of the antioxidant concentration is lost in processing. Fresh herbs may not be as familiar, but you can adapt to them in no time. If you prefer not to grow your own, most supermarkets now carry a wide variety of fresh herbs, and it’s easy to work them into familiar recipes.

As a general rule, if a recipe calls for one teaspoon of a dried herb, you can substitute one tablespoon of chopped fresh herb in its place for the same taste. Fresh herbs should stay good in your refrigerator for up to five days if stored properly; cooking experts recommend wrapping them in a damp paper towel and sealing in an airtight plastic bag. Fresh herbs can help add even more antioxidant power into our lives - while adding great taste, too.

There are many different herbs for many different uses and is a subject that fills many text books so I won’t go into them in any great depth here. What I can do though, is to list the ones that I recommend most often – and are the most useful and powerful in dealing with illness and to help your body attain better health.

Aloe Vera. The leaf of Aloe contains a special gel that is often used in cosmetics and face creams. The bitter juice, extracted from the whole leaf may be taken internally for digestive disorders. It has been used for thousands of years to heal anything from burns to kidney complaints.

A recent study has shown it to be very effective at healing skin after surgery. It is also good for healing sunburn, bites and stings. Another study in Sweden found that aloe vera cream improved symptoms of psoriasis when used three times a day for 16 weeks.

This is good news as psoriasis is very difficult to treat. Most sufferers have to use steriod creams which cause scarring and can only be used for a short time.

Taken internally Aloe Vera is a strong laxative, and should never be taken in pregnancy. You should always buy aloe vera in as pure a form as possible. It should contain at least 90% of the active ingredient.

Bilberry. A common problem associated with ageing is vision loss. In particular, a condition known as macular degeneration is a major cause of blindness in older people.

Research has shown that bilberry has beneficial effects on the healthy circulation of blood in the retina and can help to prevent degeneration. When combined with Ginkgo Biloba, which has been shown on its own to reduce macular degeneration in clinical trials, this is a particularly powerful.

Cats Claw has been used for hundreds of years to treat immune disorders and digestive problems. Recently, it has become more prominent for health as studies have shown it to be very effective at treating AIDS virus and slowing its progress. A recent study has shown that it increases the rate of T cells, one of our main immune system cells. It is early days yet but the study looks very promising.

Camomile is a popular remedy for nervous stomach, menstrual cramps and other problems related to stress. Since 1600 Europeans have used camomile as a cure for neuralgia, insomnia, back pain and rheumatoid arthritis.

Camomile also contains chemicals that are anti-bacterial and anti-fungal. It is very soothing to the skin so good for skin inflammation and sunburn. Used in tea, camomile can also relieve the pain of toothache.

Devils Claw The root of this herb has been popular for health in Africa and Europe for more than 250 years, but it is just being discovered in the United States. It is used mostly as an anti-inflammatory and as a painkiller in arthritis and rheumatism.

Recent studies done in France and Germany compare its properties as being as effective as the drugs Cortisone and Phenylbutazone. It makes joints more flexible and relieves pain safely. However it should not be taken during pregnancy.

Echinacea. The most potent part of the plant and most extensively studied is the root, which has been found to possess antibacterial and immune-boosting properties – helping to fight coughs, colds, viral infections, as well as upper respiratory tract and vaginal infections. Buy in tincture form and add a few drops to water to boost the health of the immune system whenever you feel a cold coming on.

Given that most diseases now have some link with how the immune functions, the importance of maintaining a healthy immune system is more important for healthy long life than ever before. Echinacea is taken three to four times a day, depending on the preparation – see individual product labels for dosage instructions.

Korean or Chinese Ginseng. Ginseng is well-known in Traditional Chinese Medicine to promote long life. Research has shown that it helps the body cope better with stress and also helps the functioning of many bodily systems.

Recent studies out of Korea have added another significant development to our understanding of this highly prized herb. Studies there have shown that people who consume ginseng on a regular basis have a lower incidence of cancer.

Milk Thistle contains compounds that specifically help the health of the liver. The liver plays a critical part in maintaining our health and is the body’s “chemical factory”. It detoxifies poisons that enters the bloodstream such as nicotine, alcohol and other pollutants.

Milk thistle enhances the overall function of the liver as well as stimulating the production of new healthy cells. It also boosts the levels of a compound in the liver known as glutathione which is a powerful antioxidant. It can also protect against mushroom poisoning by being taken directly after they have been eaten.

Garlic has a whole load of uses including: Reducing blood pressure, preventing heart disease, and preventing and reversing a stroke. It also fights infections and cancer, and protects against pollution.

Everyone should eat at least 1 clove of raw garlic a day to prevent many health problems. It can be crushed into dressings and used in salads, and used in many other dishes too. If you really can’t stand the taste, you should take the odourless capsules but the active compounds are weakened by taking the odour out of it.

Ginkgo biloba. The herb ginkgo biloba is well known for its ability to improve memory and concentration, especially in older people. Better still, recent research has found that Ginkgo can protect brain cells and enhance their survival too.

It has health benefits in existing cases of Alzheimer’s disease, which have already been established in a number of clinical trials, Ginkgo is also the No. 1 herbal candidate for preventing the disease.

Thanks to new research and recent findings, it looks like there’s not much health-wise that Ginkgo isn’t good for. One recent breakthrough reports that Ginkgo can help protect your eyes and in particular against glaucoma. It can even help with skin conditions such as vitiligo.

Ginkgo biloba is the world’s oldest living species of trees found in southern and eastern United States, Korea, China and southern France. Medicinal use of this amazing extract can be traced back almost 5,000 years in Chinese herbal medicine.

Not only is it thought to help maintain good eye function for people suffering with glaucoma, ginkgo can help protect your eyes against developing glaucoma by improving healthy circulation to your eyes and protecting the optic nerve.

If you are diabetic then there is a higher risk that your sight will be affected. Therefore it’s important that you go for regular eye examinations.

However there is good news. A group of scientists in Taiwan recently conducted an experiment to study Ginkgo’s effect on 25 affected diabetic patients to see what would happen to the retinal blood flow. After just three months the patients’ blood was much thinner and their red blood cells became more flexible. Therefore this makes it less likely that you will develop diabetic retinopathy.

Oregano is rich in antioxidant content – more so than some other herbs used in cooking. But there are other good sources; for example, dill, thyme, rosemary, and peppermint all rank high for health. Use plenty of these herbs in your cooking and eat raw whenever possible.

Common oregano is botanically known as Origanum vulgare, Greek for “joy of the mountains,” and it can be found growing wild on mountainsides of Greece and other Mediterranean countries where it is a herb of choice. Oregano is also known as wild marjoram.

Red Clover Combined with other herbs, red clover is very powerful to prevent and treat cancer. It can block oestrogen in the body so is especially good for oestrogen dominant cancer of the breast. It is also used to help menopausal symptoms like hot flushes.

Rosemary Rosemary contains powerful antioxidants. It was found in a recent study that it was useful for preventing cancer AND in treating it. Rosemary is also a powerful brain booster to aid memory problems. It is a good all rounder for the health of the immune system. You can use the fresh herb liberally in many dishes or as a supplement.

Schisandra. Recent research has focused on the schisandra berry’s value in improving liver function, especially its capacity to detoxify and remove foreign chemicals from the body.

Exposure to foreign chemicals is becoming increasingly important as the use of pesticides, herbicides and synthetic food additives becomes more and more widespread. Just a hundred years ago, the demands on the liver to detoxify these agents were much lower than they are now.

If these agents are not detoxified enough, they can damage our immunity and possibly even cause more harmful effects, such as increasing the likelihood of cancer. It is best to purchase a product that contains a standardised extract of Schisandra chinensis, to guarantee that you are receiving enough of the active ingredients. Because strengths can vary so much from product to product, please check individual product labels for details regarding dosage.

Saint Johns Wort This is THE herb of choice to lift depression. In fact it is also known as “nature’s prozac” because of its success in treating mild to moderate depression. In Germany Saint John’s wort is the number one prescription for depression and used widely throughout Europe. This herb can also be used as a mild tranquiliser and a treatment for insomnia.

There have been numerous clinical studies conducted in Europe into this herb. The British Medical Journal reviewed 23 clinical trials of Saint John’s Wort and came to the conclusion that it worked as well as prescription drugs, but with few of the unpleasant side effects associated with them.

It has been taken in Europe for several decades now. Since there has not been any ill effects on long term health taking this herb, it is reasonable to suppose that it’s a lot safer than drugs to treat depression.

Saint John’s wort is also a muscle relaxer and has been used to treat menstrual cramps. It is also a popular remedy for stomach and intestinal disorders, such as gastric ulcers. Ointments containing the herb have also been used to alieviate rheumatism and sciatica or back pain.

Saw Palmetto This herb is mostly used to treat an enlarged prostate. Although this condition is rarely serious, it can be very annoying. It can cause frequent urination as well as difficulty passing urine, especially at night. This condition tends to affect men over the age of 50.

Studies show that saw palmetto is very effective at relieving urination problems caused by this condition even though it has not been shown to reduce the size of the prosate.

Prescription drugs to relieve it can have unpleasant side effects on health including a drop in blood pressure, so this is good news for anyone with this condition. In Germany it has been used as an over-the counter remedy for a number of years.

Turmeric is commonly used as an ingredient in curries as a spice. Studies have shown that the compounds in turmeric are powerful antioxidants that can help prevent cancer. Researchers have also linked the reduced incidence of Alzheimer’s in Indian villages.

Here, just one per cent of those aged 65 and older contract this degenerative brain condition. This is thought to be linked with the healthy regular intake of turmeric in the Indian diet.

Valerian is wisely recognised for its relaxing effect on the body. In Europe, it is often prescribed to treat anxiety. Unlike many drugs like valium traditionally used for this condition, valerian has no unpleasant side effects and is not addictive.

For centuries valerian has been the treatment of choice by herbalists and naturopaths for nervous tension and panic attacks. It has also been used to relieve muscle cramps related to stress, menstrual cramps and PMS.

CAUTION- in extremely high doses valerian may cause paralysis and a weakening of the heartbeat. Therefore do not use with other sedatives and do not exceed the stated dose.

Just because herbs are natural substances doesn’t mean they can be used for ill-health indiscriminately. Herbs can be strong medicine. Before trying a herbal remedy, be sure you know what it does, how to use it, and any possible side effects. Never exceed the recommended dose. Generally, few medical problems come about by taking herbs, but the potential for an allergic reaction is always there.

Eliminating the Foods that are Bad for You

by James B. LaValle

Woman on scale
Did it ever occur to you that the reason you can’t lose weight may be due to the fact that you are eating foods that you’re allergic to? This is a revelation to many people who have struggled unsuccessfully for years to get rid of unwanted pounds.

The prevalence of food allergies is on the rise in both children and adults.1-2 Allergies can be responsible for a number of health issues including irritable bowel type symptoms3 and migraines.4 Very few people are aware however, that immune responses to foods can go on to create a number of metabolic disruptions that can contribute to weight gain.

At LMI where we counsel people to lose weight using our Metabolic Code Diet (MCD) eating program, we see this all the time. We had one patient in our diet group who had tried a very low carb diet in the past, and lost no weight. The reason? She was sensitive to dairy and didn’t know it. On her previous diet, she was eating a lot of cheese. On the MCD, which is a lower carb, low allergen eating plan, she cut out the cow’s milk cheeses and dairy products, ate according to our meal recommendations, and the weight started coming off.

There are several ways common dietary allergens can keep weight on you. When the body is having an immune reactivity to food, it can cause increased stress hormone production. Increased cortisol in particular can contribute to insulin resistance — and that reduces your body’s ability to process the glucose from foods high in carbs. And the increased insulin keeps you from being able to burn fat.

Increased cortisol can also go on to inhibit the body’s ability to convert your primary thyroid hormone, T4, to the active form, T3. Without enough active T3, it is very difficult to lose weight. If you have developed an immune response (an allergy) to certain foods, it can also go on to cause autoimmune antibodies which can attack any tissue in the body, including thyroid tissue. Autoimmune attacks on the thyroid cause one of the most common forms of low thyroid, called Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.

So, in a roundabout way, food sensitivities can slow metabolism and cause weight gain. By decreasing your consumption of any foods to which you might be sensitive, you may potentially improve insulin sensitivity, lower glucose, and promote better thyroid hormone production.

There are seven foods responsible for almost all food allergies — peanuts, other tree nuts like walnuts, fish/shellfish, soybeans, eggs, wheat and cow’s milk. The only two foods we limit initially on the MCD eating program are wheat and cow’s milk dairy. Why? Through years of clinical practice, we have found that wheat and dairy are usually the most problematic. So, we eliminate cow’s milk products and wheat, and anything made from them.

This part of the MCD eating plan can be a challenge at first for many people. Western diets are so centered around wheat and dairy there is almost no red-blooded American who doesn’t eat at least some wheat and dairy every day. But you would be surprised at the variety of breads, crackers, and chips that are available wheat-free. (You just need to be careful to eat them within your limited carbohydrate portions.) You can even find a wide array of goat and sheep’s milk dairy products in most supermarkets and health food stores. What most people find is that they may miss a few of the eliminated foods at first, but their quality of life improves so much, that eventually they don’t miss them at all.

We estimate that food allergies contribute to weight gain in at least 30% of our patients who come to us for weight loss. Of those, the vast majority doesn’t have to go any further than eliminating wheat and dairy to jump start their weight loss.

The Metabolic Code Diet is a sensible eating plan that you can follow for the rest of your life and never feel deprived or hungry. But most importantly, since it addresses all the potential causes of metabolic disruption, it’s an eating plan you can count on to get at the root causes of your weight gain, making it a better long-term solution for healthy weight loss and management.


1. http://www.newswise.com/articles/view/545808/
2. Kagan RS (February 2003). Environ. Health Perspect. 111; (2): 223–5.
3. Zar S, et al. (July 2005). Scand. J. Gastroenterol. 40 (7): 800–7.
4. Arroyave-Hernandez CM, et al. Rev Alerg Mex. 2007 Sept-Oct; 54(4):162-8.

Healthy Nutrition“Smart Choices” Program is Not So Smart

by Laura B. LaValle

Reading labelsWouldn’t it be nice if you could go to the store and know exactly which foods are healthy for you and which aren’t? That’s the idea behind recent “stamps of nutrition approval” you’ve seen popping up all over food packages lately. For instance, the Best Life Diet has a symbol they place on a number of foods they have approved. Food manufacturers have also been making their own “good nutrition choice” type stamps.

In an effort to circumvent the confusion that has arisen from this plethora of symbols, an organization called the Keystone Center has brought together a veritable Who’s Who of food manufacturers (General Mills, Coca-Cola, ConAgra Foods, Kellogg, Kraft, Pepsico, Unilever, and Wal-Mart to name a few) to work with a panel of food and nutrition experts and government agencies to create a new food labeling program called Smart Choices. Foods would carry a “single trusted symbol” representing healthy food choices at the grocery store.1

There are some positives to the Smart Choices program. For instance, on packaged and processed foods, the label will require calories per serving to be listed on the front of the package along with the number of servings in the package. That’s a good start, but in reality, the idea is better than the actual implementation, for a number of reasons.

For starters, the food recommendations say nothing about organic food choices and are based upon the 2005 USDA Dietary Guidelines, which are still recommending a low fat diet as the healthiest option. In order to qualify for the Smart Choices program, an item must have less than 35% total fat calories or less than 3 grams of fat per serving.

For any animal protein to qualify, it must be low in cholesterol and must be extra lean. But many studies show that a higher protein, lower carbohydrate eating plan is the way to go to achieve weight loss and healthier lipid profiles, regardless of a higher fat intake.2 In addition, lower carb higher protein and fat diets have the added benefit of suppressing appetite while preserving lean muscle mass.2

Speaking of carbohydrates, the program is supposed to disqualify foods that have more than 25% of their calories coming from added sugars, but they allowed some exceptions — breakfast cereals and sweetened milk or dairy products– which can have up to 12 grams of added sugar per serving regardless of what the percentage works out to be.

Why exempt a higher sugar breakfast cereal and chocolate milk? The rationale was that it will increase a person’s intake of these “nutritious” foods because of enhanced palatability. What they are really saying is that a lot of kids won’t eat breakfast cereal or drink milk unless it means being able to eat the sugar-laden versions. I’m sorry, but let’s call a spade a spade. Added sugars are ridiculously bad for us, period. I don’t care if it gets the kids to eat more of these foods or not. It sends the wrong message, and in the end is bad for them.

Finally, and maybe most importantly, a stamp of approval on a food implies that it is good for anyone, no matter what. Clearly there are circumstances that will supersede that symbol. For instance, if you are insulin resistant, carbs (even including whole grains) should be limited until you balance your blood sugar, insulin, triglycerides, blood pressure, etc.

The waters get very muddied when food manufacturers, health organizations, and governments try to explain the intricacies of diet with broad advice such as 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans — “eat more whole grains.” This advice may benefit an active teenager who changes their white bread to whole wheat, but will not improve, and may even hurt, the health parameters of an overweight sedentary individual if they don’t understand the exceptions.

And what about food sensitivities or allergies? In our experience, food allergies and sensitivities often stop weight loss in people. Cheese made from cow’s milk, whether it has a low-fat stamp of approval or not, and wheat whether it is whole grain or not, may be a problem for some people.

The bottom line is, food choices need to be individualized as much as possible and need to follow current health issues instead of a one-size-fits-all approach, which isn’t even based on the most recent science.


1. Found online at: www.smartchoicesprogram.com
2. Volek J and Feinman R. Nutr and Metab 2005 Vol 2, p 31

When Alternative Therapies Don’t Work: Here’s What You Need to Know

by Dr. Mark Wiley

It must have been 26 years ago that I had my first experience with so-called “alternative medicine.” I was 13 and had been suffering chronic daily headaches and mid-back pain for half-a-dozen years. I was already seeing the best in Philadelphia’s mainstream medicine, taking a plethora of prescription meds, and being put through dozens of tests, scans, and protocols…. All to no avail.

My father then took me to see a chiropractor, and do you know what? Within minutes my back and neck felt so much looser! My restricted movement was returned to within normal ranges. And I also started taking supplements. Over all, it was an amazing feeling… empowering!

I went back several times that week for treatments, and at home, attempted the exercises he instructed me to do. But the pain, and my suffering, returned and continued. This is not surprising. In fact, it is a common occurrence when people try alternative therapies — making them think that they don’t work.

The problem is, many people turn to “alternative therapies” as a last resort. They have had little success with mainstream medicine, have become perhaps desperate, and now are expecting a miracle cure or at least a fast turn-around of their signs and symptoms.

While I served as Director of the Integrated Energy Medicine healing center in Philadelphia, I did thousands of examinations, consultations, and treatments using alternative therapies and herbal medicines. I would have been delighted to offer patients both a miracle cure and fast results… if it were possible. And many times I was successful in “curing” someone in short order. But with other cases, the sheer depth, difficulty, and time-line of the problem made that task impossible.

Let me explain why some patients experience great success and why others have no change in signs and symptoms and find alternative therapies to be a waste of time.

In general there is a vast philosophical and procedural difference in the approaches (and results) of mainstream medicine and alternative therapies. Mainstream bio-medicine uses a disease-based model of health. That is, patients see their primary care physician when they are ill, the doctor diagnoses the illness (disease), and then prescribes a protocol of curing that disease. Often there is no cure… but pain and other signs and symptoms are controlled by prescription medication and/or invasive surgery.

Alternative therapies, on the other hand, work from a wellness model. That is, the focus is on returning the body to homeostasis (balance), and maintaining that balance to ensure good health and long life. They accomplish this proactively, through diet, exercise, mind/body techniques, herbs and supplements, massage, and so on. All are methods of alleviating pain, illness, and disease by restoring balance to the body.

If you have back pain and take a supplement, the pain will probably remain… for a while. But if you follow a protocol of regular supplementation with safe stretches and perhaps acupuncture or chiropractic care… the body will rebalance, and the issues will resolve. But this takes time. This was my situation at age 13. The pain did continue for awhile, but after my body was rebalanced with continued natural care, the headaches and back pain went away — for good.

In a general sense, many alternative therapies aim at rebalancing the body to restore health. Chinese medicine uses herbs to balance blood, qi, body fluids, and organ function. Acupuncture uses needles to open meridian lines and correct energy imbalances. Chiropractic uses manual adjustments to realign the spine to allow correct functioning of the nervous system.

So when are alternative therapies a waste of time? Well, actually never. But the “trying” of alternative therapies most certainly IS. You see, there is a difference between “trying” and “doing.” Trying means “you didn’t do” something. Let’s examine some common statements I hear in my office, and what they really mean.

Statement: I tried to call you and cancel my appointment.

Translation: I did not call you.

Statement: I tried acupuncture, and it didn’t help.

Translation: After a few visits I was not cured and so decided not to continue and follow the protocol to the end.

Statement: I’ve been really trying to eat right and do my exercises.

Translation: I eat right once in a while, and I do my corrective exercises when I remember to do them.

Trying means not doing. And if you are not fully engaged in the doing of alternative therapies… seeing them through to the end… following the protocol… doing what you have been instructed to do… then they will not “work.” Not because they failed you, but because YOU failed you.

You see, the therapies themselves are not the problem (unless you have chosen to follow the wrong one for your health issue), and they are also not time-consuming. Rather, it is the body that takes time to “allow” the method to take hold, effect change, and re-establish balance. But this takes time because the body likes to stay where it is, because it requires little effort to do so.

After repeated treatments, or a period of time spent doing exercises, or taking herbal supplements, the body finally realizes that it is actually easier to be in a state of homeostasis (balance) than to exist in a state of imbalance. It then “lets go” of its old unhealthy holding pattern. Now it can fully embrace a healthy pattern, and positive changes take effect.

Think of it like working out at the gym. If you are out of shape and lift weights, you will be sore. But little by little you will be less sore after the exercise. If you only lift weights once in a while, the size, shape, and density of your muscles will not visibly change. But if you stick with it (”do” it), you will notice your body changing in positive ways.

Internally this is what is happening with alternative treatment. Each day, each treatment, each bottle of herbs taken brings you one day closer to the body allowing them to take hold — and then the body steps out of its own way to effect a cure.

The worst part is, people still look to alternative therapies as a last resort, and mainstream pharma drugs and surgery as a first choice. This is perverse. Using the big guns for the beginning of a problem (depending on the severity) is ridiculous. You don’t blow up a house to kill kitchen ants.

My feeling on maintaining a balance in health and between mainstream and alternative medicine is this:

Everyone needs to get a physical every year, including blood and urine tests. If a problem is found, they should seek alternative, non-toxic, non-invasive methods to balance the body. After a period of time, they should have more tests run to see if the problem is better or worse. If better, continue with alternative medicine. If worse, and in the red zone of health, then turn to mainstream medicine for help. Not the other way around!

As it stands, we alternative practitioners get the worst cases, and we get them after years and decades of tests and toxic drugs and surgeries have truly damaged the body. And we are left to balance these bodies, in short time, at low costs, and with high hopes.

It’s time people reframe their minds on this issue. The next time you feel un-well, seek out alternative therapies first. But you must DO it and not simply TRY it. It takes time, effort, and discipline, but in the end, being balanced means being healthy. And taking personal responsibility to do what needs doing — and not depending on a doctor to do it for you — is the greatest gift you could ever give yourself.

To your health!

The Holidays: Less Really is More

by Kelley Herring

Holiday dinnerSo often, we lose the meaning of the holiday season in the hustle and bustle of “doing”. There are meals to prepare, shopping to be done, gifts to wrap, and cards to mail. All of which can sap your energy, leaving you weary and flustered when guests finally arrive.

But through the years, I have learned two very important lessons that help to keep me relaxed and put my guests at ease:

#1 Plan ahead and #2 Keep it simple.

A great way to save time (and money too) is to plan ahead and shop online. In fact, there’s no better way to hit 25 stores in 25 minutes to find that perfect cashmere sweater at the best price. They’ll wrap it and ship it with just a few clicks of a mouse, usually for a lot less than you’d find at a department store.

What’s more, you didn’t waste time or gasoline milling about, possibly at the last minute to find that special gift. Make your list, turn on your favorite holiday tunes and shop in the comfort of your own home. It doesn’t get much more stress-free than that!

We all look forward to the festive holiday dinner, but they too take a toll on us. Holiday fare needn’t be elaborate or expensive to ensure happy guests. In fact, wholesome food, simply prepared is a perfect example of less equaling more.

Think slow roasted organic pork with fresh herbs, spice-rubbed winter squash, mixed greens with seasonal fruit. Simple flavors, quick preparation, and fast cleanup. Your guests will be delighted and you’ll have energy to spare!

The holidays are a perfect time to reflect on our blessings, express our gratitude and connect with our loved ones. And with a little careful planning, you’ll be able to focus on just that!

[Ed Note: Who says dessert can't be healthy? Nutrition expert Kelley Herring's brand-new recipe e-book, Guilt-Free Desserts, reveals 40 easy-to-make, mouthwateringly delicious, 100% healthy dessert recipes you can make at home. Order today, and you'll receive the e-book Healthy Holiday Hors d'Oeuvres for free

Men: “Hormone Hell” is NOT Just for Women!

by Layne Lowery

Man very tired
Can men go through menopause? Absolutely! You might not know it, but estrogen dominance, or andropause, is a major health hazard for men over 40. This hormone imbalance occurs when your body builds up too much estrogen and xenoestrogens — which are synthetic forms of the hormone.

You’ve probably never heard of estrogen dominance — and your doctor would probably misdiagnose your symptoms. But this could be the reason you suffer from…

* Memory loss and “senior moments”
* Depression and mood swings
* Sleepless nights
* Unwanted weight gain– especially belly fat
* Muscles turning into flab
* Low sex drive and erectile dysfunction (ED)
* Enlarged prostate and other prostate problems– and a frequent need to urinate
* Hair loss
* Male breasts or “man boobs”

There are three main reasons why these unpleasant symptoms of male menopause may be tormenting you: 1) aging, 2) environmental pollutants, and 3) your diet.

As you get older, your body doesn’t make as much testosterone. The remaining testosterone gets weaker and easily converts to estrogen. Unfortunately, mid-life weight gain increases estrogen production because fat cells contain the aromatase enzyme, which changes testosterone into estrogen.

Another cause for hormone imbalances comes from xenoestrogens — or toxins that imitate estrogen– which are dumped into the environment by industrial, agricultural, and chemical companies. In his health newsletter, Dr. HingHau Tsang said these phony hormones are offshoots of products such as spermacides, detergent, plastics, plastic bottles, pesticides, herbicides, personal care products, and lacquers.

Dr. Tsang also said commercially raised beef, chicken and pork, as well as birth control pills and canned foods, contain xenoestrogens. He said massive amounts of hormones are regularly injected into beef and poultry, which can upset your natural estrogen levels.1

John R. Lee, M.D., an expert in natural progesterone therapy, thinks that significant amounts of estrogen are the main cause of prostate enlargement AND prostate cancer!2

And estrogen dominance can also lead to erectile dysfunction (ED). According to Nick Delgado, Ph.D., a leading expert on anti-aging, a number of men with ED are “at greater risk for heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, or hypertension.”3

So whether you call it estrogen dominance, “male menopause,” or andropause — estrogen overload is a real health hazard. And as indicated in a report titled “Manopause” by Lisa Marshall, large numbers of baby boomers are being hit with symptoms of male menopause.4

Therefore, Dr. John Morley, lead researcher of estrogen dominance in men and head of the geriatrics division at Saint Louis University Medical School, predicts that, “We are going to see an explosion of interest in it.”5

What does this mean for you? Have your hormone levels checked to ensure that you don’t have elevated levels of estrogen that can cause major health problems. A good naturopathic practitioner can advise you on lifestyle changes and nutritional supplements that will help keep your hormones in balance and reduce your risk of both male menopause and chronic disease.


1. HingHau Tsang, M.D., Dr. HingHau Tsang’s Crusade on Nutrition: Newsletter #75–”Estrogen Dominance, Natural Progesterone and Men,” Tsangenterprise.
2. John R. Lee, M.D., Natural Progesterone.
3. Nick Delgado, Ph.D., “Steps to Overcoming Estrogen Dominance and Slowing Symptoms of Aging,” Ezine Articles.
4. Lisa Marshall, “Manopause,” Natural Awakenings.
5. John R. Lee, M.D., Medical letter–”Prostate Disease and Hormones,” March 2002.

Drinking — Still a Mixed Bag of Good and Bad

by James B. LaValle

Red Wine
It’s always encouraging to hear that something you enjoy, such as a food or beverage, has exceptional nutritional value or prevents a disease.

Recently, red wine and even alcohol, in general, have been headlines because moderate amounts of alcohol seem to be protective against heart disease. Alcohol decreases the stickiness of blood cells so they’re less likely to form a clot, and it prevents constriction of coronary arteries; both are scenarios that may lead to a heart attack.1

Researchers are trying sort out whether the benefits come from the alcohol itself or from other substances — like resveratrol in red wine. To me it’s pretty clear that flavonoids like resveratrol have tremendous benefits.

But the point is, the research clearly shows moderate drinkers have less risk of death from heart disease than people who don’t drink at all. The research has been so strong that some experts think the leap should be made to recommend moderate drinking to everyone as a way to reduce heart disease risk.2

This is great news for those of us who enjoy our glass of red wine with dinner, but remember, when you see these types of headlines, there’s almost always more to the story. For instance, heavy drinkers have an increased risk of death from heart disease.3-4

So, in regards to alcohol actually being “good for you” — some researchers are saying, “Not so fast.” Aside from concerns about who might go on to develop drinking problems (since alcohol can be highly addictive for some people), there are other concerns.

One concern is that alcohol may increase cancer risk. Alcohol is most strongly linked to cancers of the esophagus, the mouth, the pharynx, and the larynx, though admittedly this is with heavier consumption.1 However, alcohol consumption has also been linked to increased colon and breast cancer risk.1,5,6

Another caution — women are more vulnerable to the negative effects of alcohol. A brand new study showed that alcohol, even in the moderate intakes that reduce risk of mortality from heart disease, shrinks the brain. You heard right! We all lose some brains cells as we age, to the tune of about 2% of our brain volume per decade, but women who drink even lightly or moderately lose more than non-drinkers. For men, only heavy drinking contributed to higher brain shrinkage.7 So women need to be especially cautious with their alcohol intake, but men can be affected if their intake gets too high.

If the average person knew more about the byproducts of alcohol metabolism, I think they would agree that we should “proceed with caution” when we drink.

Remember, alcohol, also known as “ethanol,” is a drug that must be metabolized by enzymes in our liver. It puts a big burden on the body and depletes several nutrients in the process. The breakdown byproducts of alcohol are acetaldehyde and methanol.

Methanol breaks down to formaldehyde. Acetaldehyde and formaldehyde are both known carcinogens. Formaldehyde damages DNA. Acetaldehyde binds to thiamin, inactivating it and destroying folate. It also lowers cellular energy production and interferes with neurotransmitters. And it is known that alcohol enhances the effects of other carcinogens in the body.

I find it’s a person’s base level of health that may make them more prone to the negative effects of alcohol. For example, acetaldehyde can be formed internally by yeast organisms in the gut. So anyone who has known yeast infection problems (fungal nails, chronic sinus infections, or vaginal yeast infections) will be more prone to the negative effects of alcohol because their body already has a lot of acetaldehyde to deal with, without giving it more from drinking.

Remarkably, the body still has a tremendous capacity to handle alcohol, especially if you have good base health and good nutritional intake.

Since most (though not all) of the negative effects of alcohol occur with heavier drinking, what is the bottom line? Make sure you keep your drinking at the moderate level and you have good overall health and nutrition habits to support efficient alcohol metabolism.

Men generally can easily handle two drinks per day. Women however need to be careful, and make sure not to exceed one drink per day to avoid all negative effects. (One drink = 5 oz wine, 12 oz beer, or 1 1/2 oz hard liquor.)


1. http://pubs.niaaa.nih.gov/publications/aa45.htm
2. Goldberg DM, et al. Clin Biochem. 32(7): 505-518.
3. Archives of Internal Medicine. 24th July 2006 Volume 166 pages 1490-1497.
4. Elsevier Health Sciences (2008, March 10). Moderate Alcohol Consumption In Middle Age Can Lower Cardiac Risk, Study Shows. ScienceDaily. Retrieved December 8, 2008, from http://www.sciencedaily.com- /releases/2008/03/080307073045.htm
5. http://www.dslrf.org/breastcancer/content.asp?CATID=60&L2=2&L3=8&L4=0&PID=&sid=132&cid=596
6. Stolzenberg-Solomon RZ, et al. AJCH 83 (4) 895-904.
7. Arch Neurol. 2008;65(10):1278-1280.