Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Green Tea Extract and Weight Loss

    Green tea has always been known to have several health benefits, but who knew that it could contribute to weight loss as well?


    A recent study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition show that green tea extract can increase metabolism and fat oxidation of the body. In theory, scientists believe that the weight loss benefits of green tea extracts are due to their caffeine content but the results of the study show otherwise as they discovered that green tea extracts have weight loss benefits beyond that of caffeine.


    In their study, the researchers administered alone the same amount of caffeine as that in green tea extracts but found that it did not make any significant changes in the body's overall energy expenditure. This led them to conclude that green tea extracts have ingredients in them that actively interact with each other, promoting increased metabolism and fat oxidation that lead to weight loss.


    Further findings indicated that a certain compound found in green tea extracts might be the ingredient that causes weight loss. These green tea extract compounds called Flavonoids may alter the way the body uses norepinephrine, a hormone that monitors how calories are burned. When flavonoids interact with other green tea extract ingredients, more calories are burned thus contributing to weight loss.


    Another ingredient that actively contributes to the weight loss benefits of green tea extracts is the compound catechin polyphenols. These compounds also interact with other green tea extract ingredients in order to promote weight loss by fat burning and thermogenesis (a process of losing energy by daytime heat).


    The great thing about the weight loss benefit of green tea extracts is that it does not have any adverse side-effects. Unlike other herbal products like ephedra and prescription drugs for obesity, green tea extract does not increase the speed of heart rates or raise blood pressure. In this regard, green tea extract is an effective and safer alternative to other weight loss products which may cause harm to the user.


    The study conducted by the University of Geneva on the weight loss benefit of green tea extract implicated that green tea extract can also help thyroid patients. According to dietitian Lynn Moss, M.S., R.D., green tea extract is a healthier choice for people with thyroid who may be too sensitive to stimulants. Green tea extract can promote weight loss by increasing metabolism without over stimulating the adrenal glands.


    A common beverage all throughout Asia, green tea has recently gained popularity in the West. Further researches were conducted to identify other health benefits of green tea extracts aside from weight loss. It was found that certain green tea extract compounds can significantly reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer, and even ulcers.



KEYWORDS "Green Tea Extract" - 20 (density = 4.3%)

"Weight Loss" - 14 (density = 3.0%)






Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Health Benefits of Green Tea Supplements in Combination With Natural Anti-Aging Supplements

I'm sure that by now everyone has heard about the many exciting health benefits that can green tea supplements can provide, but what is it about this substance that makes it so good for you? The most beneficial characteristic of a green tea supplement has to do with its antioxidant properties. Exactly how good these products are for you though depends primarily on how much of the extract you are actually getting.

There are several things that you want to be sure to look for when buying green tea supplements that will tell you whether or not the product will do anything for you. The first thing that you want to look for is whether or not the product you are looking at lists exactly how much of the extract you are getting, or how many leaves the product contains.

Another thing that should be included on the label of a green tea supplement is the exact amount of catechins, and polyphenols that the extract provides you. The quality of these kinds of products vary widely do to many different factors including the richness of the soil that the tea was grown in, and variations in the growing practices from farm to farm.

Given that all of these variables exist, including natural variances that occur from plant to plant, the products manufacturers must make every effort to ensure the only way for either the purity or the potency of green tea supplements to be determined is through the manufacturers testing the raw ingredients. There should also be testing conducted to ensure against possible contamination of the ingredients.

Let's take a look at what is the best method of delivery to fully take advantage of the health benefits that this substance has to offer. The debate over whether or not it is better to simply take the substance in beverage form, or through a green tea supplement has raged on for a while now, but the answer to the question over which is better seems quite simple if you really look at it.

The fact is that simply taking in either green tea in beverage form, or taking green tea supplements is not enough to keep your body healthy. Focusing strictly on ingesting this single ingredient no matter how good the source will leave your body deficient in other areas. That is why you need to look into a supplement that provides you with not only this ingredient, but many others also.

A high quality multivitamin that includes a complete listing of essential vitamins and minerals including a green tea supplement is what you truly need in order for you to continue to maintain good health. You body will greatly benefit from getting the additional nutrients, and you will still be taking full advantage of the antioxidant power that green tea provides.

You need green tea supplements in order to make sure that your body is running at full efficiency, but you also need much more. Make sure that the source of your nutritional supplementation is well rounded in order to keep your body firing on all cylinders, at all times.

1001 Manfaat Segelas Susu

Gatotkaca pahlawan kubu Pandawa dalam kisah Mahabharata dikenal sebagai tokoh berotot kawat, bertulang besi, dan berkulit tembaga. Keistimewaannya itu membuatnya disegani baik oleh kawan maupun lawan. Dalam perang Bharatayudha, hanya Kunta senjata ampuh milik Adipati Karna yang berhasil mengalahkannya. Sosok Gatotkaca mungkin sekadar cerita fiksi belaka. Namun bukan berarti Anda tak bisa menjiplak kehebatan putra Bimasena itu, terutama keunikannya memiliki tulang sekuat besi.

Dan untuk mendapatkannya, Anda tak perlu bersusah payah bertapa atau mendapatkan anugerah dari dewa. Cukup konsumsi 2-3 gelas (500-750 mililiter) susu tiap hari. Jika rutin melakukannya, dijamin tulang Anda bakal sekokoh kerangka tubuh Gatotkaca. Segampang itu? “Ya, susu memang membantu Anda membentuk tulang yang sehat dan kuat. Kandungan nutrisinya memberikan kemampuan bagi tubuh untuk menangkal osteoporosis (kerapuhan tulang),” kata Prof. Dr. Ir. Made Astawan, MS, pakar nutrisi dari Departemen Teknologi Pangan dan Gizi Institut Pertanian Bogor.

Banyak kelebihan
Salah satu nutrisi menonjol yang terdapat pada susu adalah kalsium. Bahan ini dikenal luas karena manfaatnya untuk memelihara kekuatan dan kepadatan tulang. Dalam proses yang dikenal sebagai penumpukan massa tulang, kalsium dan fosfor beraliansi membentuk kalsium fosfat. Elemen ini merupakan komponen utama yang berperan dalam pembentukan struktur dan kekuatan tulang. Segelas susu menyuplai 29,7 persen kebutuhan harian kalsium dan 23,2 persen kebutuhan harian fosfor. Nutrisi penting lainnya adalah vitamin D. Vitamin larut lemak ini menjaga kadar kalsium yang memadai dalam darah.

Segelas susu menyodorkan 24,4 persen kebutuhan harian vitamin ini. Di samping kalsium dan vitamin D, vitamin K yang terkandung dalam susu juga memiliki peran vital untuk mengamankan kekuatan tulang. Vitamin K1 mengaktifkan osteocalcin protein nonkolagen utama dalam tulang. Elemen ini mengikat molekul kalsium di dalam tulang. Tanpa vitamin K1 yang cukup, keberadaan kadar osteocalcin tak akan memadai. Ujungnya, proses penumpukan massa tulang akan terganggu. Anda bisa membayangkan sendiri akibatnya.

Ada hal lain yang Anda perlu ketahui : Susu tidak hanya bermanfaat bagi kesehatan tulang saja. Asupan ini juga mencegah hipertensi (tekanan darah tinggi), menangkal kanker usus serta menghindarkan Anda dari kekurangan energi dan protein. Kandungan nutrisi yang ada di dalamnya turut meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh sehingga Anda tak mudah terkena berbagai penyakit. Satu berita bagus lagi, susu bermanfaat pula untuk membantu program Anda menurunkan berat badan. Pada sebuah studi yang dipublikasikan April 2004 di Obesity Research, para peneliti menekankan, mengonsumsi makanan kaya kalsium, khususnya produk susu rendah lemak seperti susu sapi, yogurt, dan kefr, akan membantu Anda mengurangi berat badan.

Dalam studi yang mengikutsertakan 42 subyek penelitian (32 orang menuntaskannya) ini, para peserta dibagi dalam tiga kelompok. Mereka diberi rancangan pola makan yang didesain untuk mengurangi berat badan satu pon (sekitar setengah kg) tiap minggunya selama 24 minggu. Rancangan pola makan untuk ketiga grup itu memiliki kandungan kalori yang sama. Grup pertama menerima pola makan rendah kalsium (430 miligram/hari). Grup kedua menerima rancangan yang sama dengan tambahan suplemen kalsium hingga total pasokan kalsium ke dalam tubuh mencapai lebih dari 1.200 miligram. Grup ketiga menghadapi menu makan yang dipenuhi produk susu sehingga pasokan kalsiumnya mencapai 1.100 miligram setiap harinya.

Hasil akhir studi tersebut, grup pertama rata-rata berkurang berat badannya 15 pon, grup kedua 19 pon, dan grup ketiga 24 pon. Dari total berat badan yang berkurang tersebut, grup pertama kehilangan lemak 19 persen, grup kedua 50 persen, dan grup ketiga 66 persen. Hasil ini menunjukkan, kalsium yang dibawa produk susu terbukti lebih efektif menurunkan berat badan dan melenyapkan lemak para pengonsumsinya.

Asupan praktis
Di luar kandungan nutrisi dan manfaatnya bagi kesehatan, kelebihan lain susu dan produk susu adalah ketersediaannya secara luas. Anda bisa mendapatkannya di toko sebelah rumah, pasar tradisional, swalayan, hingga hipermarket. Har-ganya pun cukup terjangkau tergantung jenis produk kemasan kepraktisan daya tahan penyimpanan, dan faktor-faktor lainnya. Tapi setidaknya dengan uang Rp 10-40 ribu Anda sudah bisa membawa satu liter susu cair atau satu kilogram susu bubuk ke rumah. Keuntungan lainnya, susu dapat dengan mudah dan cepat diolah menjadi hidangan siap santap.

Sedikit peringatan
Bagi mayoritas orang sehat, susu memang memberikan banyak manfaat. Namun bagi pengidap lactose intolerance, susu bisa menjadi bencana. Lactose intolerance terjadi karena enzim laktase di dalam tubuh menurun sehingga tidak mampu menguraikan laktosa (gula susu) menjadi glukosa dan galaktosa. Kondisi ini mengakibatkan laktosa tidak terserap di usus kecil, lalu masuk ke usus besar dalam keadaan utuh sehingga menyebabkan diare. Oleh karena itu, aktivitas enzim laktase harus terus dipelihara dengan cara membiasakan minum susu sejak bayi, balita (bawah lima tahun), remaja, dewasa hingga lansia (lanjut usia).

Jika Anda berhenti mengonsumsi susu, enzim laktase akan mati atau berkurang. Suatu saat bila minum susu lagi, enzim laktase tidak siap sehingga terjadilah diare. Untuk orang semacam ini, silakan susu berkadar laktosa rendah (low lactose milk) atau produk olahan susu rendah laktosa seperti yogurt, yakult dan kefir. “Susu juga harus dibatasi bagi penderita alergi protein susu. Untuk orang semacam ini, protein susu harus diuraikan terlebih dahulu menjadi hidrolisat. Bisa juga diatasi dengan susu nabati, contohnya susu kedelai,” tambah Made Astawan. Tapi bagi Anda yang memiliki kesehatan normal, jangan abaikan kehadiran susu sebagai penyempurna menu makanan sehat Anda.