Saturday, June 21, 2008

Womens Fertility With the Help of Herbal Remedies

By: Bruce Maul

True reproductive health implies the sound functioning of related bodily systems supporting the entire reproductive function. A disorder manifesting with a related reproductive organ can be the cause of miscarriages and infertility in women, which could even progress to life-threatening conditions. To illustrate, take the liver as an example. When the functions of this organ are compromised, these affect the state of the endometrial lining which is an essential component of the female reproductive system. In instances of infertility, lifestyle factors including the diet and the environment may influence overall reproductive health. Despite the risks, herbal remedies have always been there to respond to the reproductive health care needs of women; from the prevention of systemic abnormalities and organ disorders to the support of vital organ functions.

In the practice of alternative medicine, Chasteberry (Vitex Agnus-castus) extracts have been used to help regulate the function of reproductive hormones in the body. Studies reveal that its bioactive compounds include progesterone-like substances that correct hormonal imbalances. Pertinent medical surveys likewise confirm of the herb's ability to ease mood swings, nervous disorders and insomnia during PMS. Furthermore, Chasteberry is regarded as an overall remedy in providing natural systemic balance to women during pregnancy and menopause.

A natural alternative to the use of hormonal supplements is the herb Black Cohosh (Cimicifuga Racemosa). The herbal is used as a 'hormonal booster' to aid in fertility. It contains the constituent formononetin which induces an estrogen-like effect in the body and likewise reduces the possibility of infertility for that matter. The herb also provides other medicinal benefits, particularly antispasmodic, sedative and relaxant properties that are relevant to women experiencing painful menstruations and uterine spasms.

The wonder herb Siberian Ginseng (Eleutherococcus Senticosis) is recognized not only as a brain and energy booster but also for its supportive benefits to the reproductive system. While enhancing blood circulation to the brain, its compounds also supports the functions of the reproductive organs. As tonic, the Siberian Ginseng effectively balances hormonal levels, stamina, and libido. The herb is also enriched with the adaptogen eleutherosides, which is helpful in combating stress-related causes of infertility. As a safe and effective blood detoxifier, it is well recommended for pregnant and lactating women.

n a nutshell, women do not necessarily require synthetic pills to stimulate the dozing hormones essential to healthy reproduction. There are interconnected, systemic grounds affecting reproductive health such as immune and circulatory system balance. In this case, holistic healing emanates from the use of fertility herbal tonics or in its standardized format, reproductive herbal supplements such as Fertile XX. Herbal supplements provide a complete treatment of superficial disorders and underlying anomalies which would help bring back vitality and overall systemic health in women.

Bruce Maul is a partner in Gold Flax Seed, Inc. which provides only top quality Flax Seed, Herbal Remedies and other health related products. Learn more about Herbal Remedies by visiting

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