Saturday, December 13, 2008

All You Need To Know About Oily Skin Care

By : marilynn Syrett

Oily skin needs to be showered with extreme care and nourishment. And any inability to do this can cause harsh consequences like pimples, blemishes, a greasy texture and so on…People with oily skin need to understand their never ending battle of fighting the oiliness and shine off the skin and at the same time maintaining the moisture levels that keep the skin healthy as well.

But the irony is that many women are still unaware of their own skin type. It is no wonder then that skin care products fail to show good results.

Basics of Skin Type
There are 5 basic skin types normal, dry, oily, combination and sensitive. And it is very important to know which category you belong to. Just try a simple test. Press a piece of blotting paper on your skin focusing on the forehead, nose and chin areas. If the paper sticks on or changes color, then you have oily skin. However, keep in mind that skin can exhibit different characteristics as per changing weather, climatic conditions and exercize.

Oily Skin – What is it?
Oily skin is characterized by overactive sebaceous glands. Sebaceous glands secrete a substance called sebum which looks like oil but actually is a natural moisturizer for the skin. Located all over the body, these glands are found mostly in the face and back. In oily skin these glands are much more active than they otherwise and thus produce large amounts of sebum. This causes the skin pores to stretch and darken thus promoting the growth of blackheads and whiteheads.

All individuals have a unique level of sebum in their bodies. And there are a number of other factors that govern the oiliness of the skin like genetic make up, hormonal alterations during adolescence and so on. In fact oil production is directly linked to hormone production. Therefore, any fluctuation in the hormonal levels of the body will have effects on the skin’s oil quotient as well.

Taking Care of Oily Skin
Oily skin needs dedicated nourishment and appropriate treatment. Here are some tips by which you can take care of your oily skin and prevent any inflammations or pimples from erupting.

• Use the Right Skin Care Products
This is the most important thing you need to do in order to ensure good treatment for your skin. Choose skin care products that are exclusively formulated for your particular skin type. People with oily skin should avoid using thick creams and lotions and rather choose something light and water based. Get skin care products that are designed to soothe acneic skin conditions.

• Cleanse! Cleanse! Cleanse!
Make this your mantra! Wash and cleanse your face regularly. That doesn’t mean dry out your skin in the process but just cleanse enough to remove all the dirt and impurities from the skin pores. Use a gentle cleansing gel that is specially targeted to oily skin and stay away from harsh cleansers as they will just lead to more oil production.

• Wear Sunscreen
This goes especially for people with oily skin. Wear a sunscreen all throughout the day to protect your skin from harmful ultraviolet radiations of sunlight. Use a non-greasy sunscreen that caters to oily skin and apply it at least 15 minutes before you venture out.

• Moisturize Well
Though some people believe oily skin doesn’t require any moisturizers, the claim remains untrue. After using skin care products that rid off all dirt and debris, the skin pores are open and require moisture. It’s best to use a light oil free moisturizer that doesn’t clog the pores but maintains proper hydration levels.

Author Resource:-

Dr Marilynn Syrett is a graduate from Western University of Health Sciences, College of Osteopathic Medicine Of The Pacific. She has written several articles about oily skin care and anti aging skin care.

Article From Article Health And Fitness

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